Sunday, August 3, 2014

Demonstrating Print on Clay at Fairvale

Some images of my demonstration of how to use silkscreens to transfer images onto ceramic forms.

A demonstration of screening directly onto a clay tile. The clay is leather hard. It should be smooth and not sticky and you can simply screen a slip, or an underglaze on the clay tile. 

Or you can screen onto lunch wrap tissue paper. But for that, you need to use a special printing ink - one that is sticky so it will stay on the tissue paper long enough to later be transferred to the clay. The Ceramic Glazes of Australia Black Printing Ink is great for this. Their website is:

Applying the tissue (just use lunch wrap paper) to the back of the bisqued pot. Press firmly. Sometimes a squirt from a water spray bottle on the pot beforehand, will help dampen the clay surface enough to take the image better.

Ms Haberecht also shows the students how it's done! 

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